

That Moment

That Moment

Even though Life After the B.O.E. ended almost three years ago, sometimes I come across a friend’s status update or I’m told a story that needs to be made in to a comic!

Life After the B.O.E trivia: Did you know Adam’s apartment in Hachinohe, Aomori-ken was the model for the March 11, 2011 comic?


A direct sequel to the comic “Toilet” from 2007.

Nijikai | Life After the B.O.E. - Washlet

After my most recent trip to Japan, I reaffirmed my appreciation for the ubiquity of washlets in Japan.

No Kancho

No Kancho - Nijikai | Life After the B.O.E.

Even though Life After the B.O.E. ended almost two years ago, sometimes I get an email from a JET that needs to be made in to a comic!

Thanks Marcus!

Hand Towel

Nijikai: Hand Towel

Even though Life After the B.O.E. ended almost two years ago, sometimes I come across a friend’s status update that needs to be made in to a comic!

Thanks for posting this hilarious status update, Thomas!

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